我們的新標誌Our new logo |
朋友們, 你好!
我們已正式建立了一鳴空間的網站, 地址是 http://attempspace.com/。
在網站你會明白我們成立一鳴空間的原因和使命。你會發現許多可以親身體驗的有趣故事, 我們更歡迎你加入成為我們的粉絲, 追踪和分享我們的故事, 又和我們一起創造這些故事, 製造傳奇。
Dear Friends,
Thanks for visiting us. We have now officially launched our site aTTempspace at http://attempspace.com/.
There you will find our vision and mission for setting up the site. You will also find many interesting stories that you can actually touch and feel. You are welcomed to join us as our fans and co-create new stories with us.
Lai Kiu
Founder of aTTempspace